Sales Team

You want to exhibit on Interior & Exterior Design Meetings?

Phone: +33 1 41 18 68 97

Alexis Gadrat
Director Interior & Exterior Design Meetings

Elisa Fournier
Sales Director

Organization & Technical team

You are an exhibitor and you have questions about your participation?

Organisational follow-up
Gwladys Gallier
Exhibition/meeting project manager Weyou Group

Technical management of your stand
Arcance – Doriane Delourneau
+33 (0)1 75 43 66 87

Weyou Group Team

Weyou Group Direction

Romuald GADRAT
CEO Weyou Group

Financial Director

Executive Assistant

Sales Team

Alexis Gadrat
Exhibition Director

Elisa Fournier
Sales Director

Gwladys Gallier
Exhibition/meeting project manager Weyou Group

Hosted Buyers Team

Margaux Fourré
Director of the Hosted Buyer Program

Communication & Marketing

Maéva Ngome Sendeyo
Marketing Manager

Marie Rebatel
Graphic Designer

Technical Team

Christèle Hanoteaux
Technical Director

Laura Tsolissos
Technical Manager

Johanna Lefebvre
Logistics Manager